Sunrise In The Community

Building a Brighter Future for Everyone
At Sunrise Estate Services, we pride ourselves in helping bring a brighter tomorrow to our clients and our communities. Being a family-run, small, local business means we count on our community, and we do everything we can to ensure that they know they can also count on us.
Sunrise Gives Back
In the last year, Sunrise has:
Donated 3% of buyer’s premium from our November and December auctions to the Parkland Food Bank.
Donated 40 backpacks filled with school supplies to Calder Elementary School.
Participated in the Crashed Car Campaign and held a fundraising auction that donated $5,700 to Mothers Against Drinking and Driving.
Worked with SantaYEG for their #deliveringcompassion campaign that gives gift cards to community members nominated to receive them.
Donated 4000 lbs of food and hygiene products to local food banks in our communities.
Filled our Jeep with brand new toys for Stony Plain Enforcement’s Toys for Tickets campaign.
Donated to Habitat for Humanity.
Donated funds and necessities to Ukrainian Newcomers.
How You Can Make a Difference
Helen Keller once said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” We think that’s such an inspirational quote, and we try to live it every day. We do what we can for our community, but with our community, we can do so much more.
We encourage our family, friends, and community members to give back whenever possible. If you’d like some inspiration or to learn more about worthy organizations in your community, get in touch with us, and we’ll point you in the right direction.